Membership at Ridgeland
At Ridgeland Community Church, we believe that membership is not a name on a roll book! Membership is a dynamic combination of commitment, participation, and fellowship in the common life and work of a local congregation.
When we trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Savior, we become a member of the family of God, a part of the Church of Jesus Christ. One of the evidences of salvation is that we desire fellowship with other Christians on a regular basis and commit ourselves to them in love and service (I John 3:14-18). The Early Church knew nothing of Christians unaffiliated with a local body of believers; and we firmly believe that all true Christians should be a part of a local fellowship (Acts 2:41-47; Hebrews 10:24-25).
Membership is more than simply a statement of where we worship; it is a commitment to the mission and ministries of the local church. Members serve together as we experience intimacy with God, influence our community, and impact the world with the Gospel of Christ.
For more details contact the Ridgeland Community Church office.
West Henrietta, NY 14586