Exploring Together
We believe growth happens in community. That’s why this blog aims to be a space for thoughtful discussion and exploration together. We encourage asking honest questions, grappling with complex issues of faith, and sharing insights from your spiritual journey.
Why Getting High is Immoral
I support medical use of marijuana. There’s a clear moral distinction between medical and recreational use. But because recreational use of marijuana has gained wide acceptance in American society,...
Judging Others
Jesus forbids judging others. His teaching Do not judge, or you too will be judged (Matthew 7:1) rings loudly in our ears. So does this teaching: How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me...
Clarity about Transgenderism
A law in Scotland passed on April 1 criminalizes speech deemed insulting to protected groups. The law is intended to protect transgendered people from “hate speech” and it has stirred international...
Welcome To Our New Worship Leader!
We are delighted to announce that Parker Story will be joining the staff of RCC as our new Worship Leader. Let me tell you the story of how hiring him came about. Nancy Longabaugh, our current...
How Can I Tell If It’s God, the Devil, or My Imagination?
In 2016 I attended a conference on real estate investing and the presenter mentioned that he took $50 from his tenants’ rent and put it aside as a gift toward the down payment on their future home. ...
The Experience of Regeneration
Part 3 of the “Flood” blog series Last week in the sermon series “Flood” I began to discuss ways the Holy Spirit works in us. The first way is traditionally referred to as “regeneration”, and...
Part two of the “Flood” Blog Series
This summer I’m teaching a sermon series on the Holy Spirit called Flood. This blog series discusses aspects of the Holy Spirit I don’t get to in the sermon. Today I want to focus on what...
Thoughts About Speaking in Tongues
Last Sunday I started teaching on the Holy Spirit in a series called Flood. I believe God is bringing a beautiful expansion of his supernatural power through our church, and I think he therefore...
Stories from Invite Henrietta
Last Sunday Linda came to worship with us for the first time. Someone from the prayer team say “Linda? Is that the Linda we’ve been praying for?” The reply: “Yes, it’s her. She’s here!” Linda...