Avoiding Treason…

In 1775 Benedict Arnold was a superstar among the Revolutionary Army. He was, in fact, assigned to command West Point. Yet during the course of a few short years, he lost his way, he lost his loyalty, and he lost his principles. Benedict Arnold became a traitor- in...

Discipleship: Then and Now

There was once a young man in old Vienna named Rudolph. He determined one day to write a symphony; he set to work and labored hard; he wrote it and rewrote it. Then he called in some friends and went over it with them; they were loud in their praises. They said: “It’s...

Sharing our Struggles

It is estimated that only 41% of individuals who suffer with a mental health related issue in any given year actually seek help from a mental health professional. There are many reasons for such a low percentage of people seeking treatment, ranging from inadequate...

Oops, did I just lose another two hours??

It is important for us to understand the ways that technology is a “silent killer” to a Christian life. I am here referring to its uncanny knack for wasting huge chunks of our lives. Technology accomplishes this so insidiously that we often don’t even notice until...

The Secret Sin…

“Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul.” 1Peter 2:11. We come now to an uncomfortable but necessary topic- the single most harmful danger of the internet to all Christians. You may have already...

That song just keeps playing

Have you ever gotten a song stuck in your head? You know, the words play on a loop in your brain, over and over again. You wake in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and your brain starts playing it. You rise in the morning and while you’re brushing your...