If I were a true Christian I wouldn’t have mental illness.

          Experience tells me that the person likeliest to agree with that statement is someone who actually has chronic mental illness because shame about their condition may lead them to wonder if they did something...

Is Sex Outside of Marriage a Sin?

A friend who is a new believer asked me this question.  He and his girlfriend were in a discipleship group my wife and I were leading, and both of them were getting more and more excited about their new life with Christ.  My friend was also experiencing...

Is it OK for Christians to Use Marijuana?

Only recently has it even occurred to me to address this topic.  But now that 18 states including New York have legalized marijuana for recreational use, we should consider the morality of using this psycho-active drug.  Let’s start with basics.  Morality...

Henrietta’s Unique Gospel Opportunity

It was heart-breaking to hear the stories of Afghani students whose families were left behind in Afghanistan.  I spoke with Ibrahim, a student at RIT, at a welcome picnic for international students our church hosted last month.  He had already come back for...


Have you ever felt crushed because a dream you cherished didn’t come to pass?  That disappointment may be some of the deepest pain you’ve ever experienced.  But here is some good news: that pain can lead you to the best discovery you’ve...

Can’t Breathe Without Community

A man once told me he was getting a lot out of Sunday worship but stopped coming.  “That makes no sense, why would you stop something you’re enjoying?”, I asked.  He replied, “I feel awkward around people.  I’d rather stay...