Praying Through Gritted Teeth

Do you know this kind of prayer?  You’re hurt.  You’re outraged.  You’re so scared you’re faking that you’re fine.  And you want to go to God but you’re afraid you’ll say something that crosses the line.  And you haven’t...

Health Benefits of Worship Attendance

          According to the Nurses’ Health Study* of 70,000 medical workers, those who attend religious services weekly are 29% less likely to become depressed50% less likely to divorce400% less likely to commit suicide33% less...

Does Prayer Actually Do Anything?

Jesus makes outrageous claims about prayer.  Ask and it will be given to you.  Seek and you will find.  Knock and the door will be opened to you (Matthew 7:7).  He doesn’t say “Ask and it might be given, seek and you might find, knock...

Outreach Goal Met in Record Time

          Three weeks ago I announced that the Elders set a goal for 20% growth in attendance by Easter Sunday.  We then exceeded that goal the next two Sundays.  So I’m announcing we can now declare victory...