by Ron Heisey | Dec 12, 2022 | Staff
Reformation is a term used to describe changes in the Christian Church in the 14th to 17th century usually focusing on the 16th century. These changes began as protests against the Roman Catholic Church. Among the things being protested were: The church was levying...
by Ron Heisey | Nov 27, 2022 | Staff
Time, it seems, is always in motion. It can never be stopped. Historically, we have measured the passing of time with various material objects: the sundial, which displays the movement of shadows across its face; the sand pouring through the hourglass; the hands moved...
by Ron Heisey | Nov 11, 2022 | Staff
Life is hard (no great revelation there…). None of us escapes life’s challenges, stresses, workloads, and unrelenting pace. In the 21st century life comes at us faster than it ever has, and we in turn work longer, harder, and faster to try and keep up. And we get...
by Ron Heisey | Oct 31, 2022 | Staff
It is trendy today for people, especially those who embrace “science”, to scoff at and mock those who practice Christianity. One of their favorite targets is the Bible. They proclaim that the Bible, at best, is a story book. It is not to be believed, and many events...
by Ron Heisey | Oct 17, 2022 | Staff
Many of you know that I have a special respect, admiration, appreciation for the Navy SEALS. They form arguably the most disciplined and elite force among all the Armed Forces of the United States of America. The mental and physical testing one must survive to earn...