Multi- Partner Marriage Making Inroads

There are now three towns in the Boston area that have approved “polyamorous” relationships: Somerville, Arlington, and Cambridge.  They cannot legalize these relationships yet because that is a matter for the state of Massachusetts; but multi-partner marriages are...

Why is Baptism Important?

  If you haven’t been baptized and you can affirm Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, you should take the important step to be baptized.                Baptism is important because Jesus told us to do it.  Make disciples of all nations, he said in Mathew 28:19,...

Trans Identification and Peer Pressure

A 2022 Gallup poll found that 21% of “Gen Z” (people born between 1997 and 2003) identify themselves as LGBTQ.  That’s almost ten times the rate for Baby Boomers.  How do we explain such an astonishing jump?          Dr. Lisa Littman offers a partial explanation.  Dr....

If You’ve Had an Abortion

According to Lifeway Research, which is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Church, 7 in 10 women who have had an abortion identify themselves as Christian.  Additionally, 23% identify themselves as evangelical.           My heart moves toward Christian women who are...

What Do You Do While Your Prayer Goes Unanswered?

That’s an awfully important question for your faith.  My faith too.  The answer to that question speaks volumes about how mature you and I are, and how much we truly trust the Lord.  The answer to that question may also become the key to both your contentment and to...