Why are Black people calling me “Brother” more?

          Last week I was waiting in line at the bank and decided to ask the lady behind me if she knew any good jokes.  “Only dirty ones,” she said with a glint in her eye.  So I said: “Where...

Connecting with a New Pastor

          Here’s a sample of a nightmare conversation with the new pastor. You:     Come in pastor, would you like something to drink? Him:    Yes, whatever you have is great. You:    ...

Why Did the LORD Harden Pharaoh’s Heart?

A non-believer posed this question to me once, and she was angry as she posed it.  The fact that God hardened Pharaoh’s heart confirmed what she suspected already: that God is really just a bully.  Yes, if you picture God as a cosmic Nice Guy, then this...

The Life-and-Death Drama of Your Personal Story

True or false: the only people who have a gripping testimony to share are those who spent twenty years on the mission field in Africa, those who were supernaturally delivered from addiction to crack, or those who heard an audible voice call their name and saw a white...